

English syllables. 2014.

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  • shemozzle — [19] Shemozzle is one of a number of Yiddish words beginning with sh to have found their way into English. Most are relatively recent introductions, via American English – schlemiel ‘fool, blunderer’ [19] (possibly from a Biblical character… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • shemozzle — [19] Shemozzle is one of a number of Yiddish words beginning with sh to have found their way into English. Most are relatively recent introductions, via American English – schlemiel ‘fool, blunderer’ [19] (possibly from a Biblical character… …   Word origins

  • shemozzle — 1. noun a) A state of chaos or confusion; a muddle. b) A quarrel or rumpus. 2. verb To scarper …   Wiktionary

  • Shemozzle — 1. confused state of affairs; muddle; 2. uproar; row (originally British slang (late 19th C.), from Yiddish shlim mazel person who always has bad luck) …   Dictionary of Australian slang

  • shemozzle — Australian Slang 1. confused state of affairs; muddle; 2. uproar; row (originally British slang (late 19th C.), from Yiddish shlim mazel person who always has bad luck) …   English dialects glossary

  • shemozzle — [ʃɪ mɒz(ə)l] (also schemozzle) noun informal a state of chaos and confusion; a muddle. Origin C19: Yiddish, suggested by late Heb. šel lō mazzāl of no luck …   English new terms dictionary

  • shemozzle — /ʃəˈmɒzl/ (say shuh mozl) noun Colloquial 1. a confused state of affairs; muddle. 2. an uproar; row. Also, schemozzle. {Yiddish shlimazel bad luck, unlucky person; ? through British East End slang} …  

  • shemozzle —  1. Uproar. Commotion. Dispute.  2. Same as shebang …   A concise dictionary of English slang

  • shemozzle — n. (also schemozzle) sl. 1 a brawl or commotion. 2 a muddle. Etymology: Yiddish after LHeb. sel lo mazzal of no luck …   Useful english dictionary

  • List of Selby books — So far, there have been 14 short story books, 2 joke books and one selection in the series Selby .elby s SecretSelby s Secret is the first book in the Selby Series by Duncan Ball. It was first published in 1985 (and once again in 2004) and is the …   Wikipedia

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