- ballistocardiogram
- bal·lis·to·cardiogram
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
ballistocardiogram — ☆ ballistocardiogram [bə lis΄tō kär′dē ə gram΄ ] n. a tracing made by a ballistocardiograph … English World dictionary
ballistocardiogram — /beuh lis toh kahr dee euh gram /, n. Med. the graphic record produced by a ballistocardiograph. [1935 40; BALLIST(IC) + O + CARDIOGRAM] * * * … Universalium
ballistocardiogram — A record of the body s recoil caused by cardiac contraction, the ejection of blood into the aorta, and ventricular filling forces; has been used as a basis for calculating the cardiac output in man, but its lack of … Medical dictionary
ballistocardiogram — n. graphic recording of heart output, recording made by a ballistocardiograph … English contemporary dictionary
ballistocardiogram — noun a graphical recording made by a ballistocardiograph • Hypernyms: ↑graph, ↑graphical record • Part Holonyms: ↑checkup, ↑medical checkup, ↑medical examination, ↑medical exam, ↑medical, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
BCG — An effective immunization against tuberculosis. BCG stands for Bacille Calmette Guérin. BCG is a weakened (attenuated) version of a bacteria called Mycobacterium bovis which is closely related to Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the agent responsible… … Medical dictionary
ballistocardiograph — Instrument for taking a ballistocardiogram, consisting either of a moving table suspended from the ceiling, or of an apparatus that rests upon the patient s body, usually on the shins, together with a graphic recording system. * * *… … Medical dictionary
Ballistocardiography — The ballistocardiograph (BCG) is a vital sign in the 1 20 Hz frequency range which is caused by the mechanical movement of the heart and can be recorded by noninvasive methods from the surface of the body. It was shown for the first time, after… … Wikipedia
Баллистокардиограф (Ballistocardiograph) — прибор для записи движений, вызываемых изгнанием крови в аорту при каждом сердечном сокращении. Обычно такая запись (называемая баллистокардиограммой (ballistocardiogram)) позволяет выявить некоторые заболевания сердца или поражение аортального… … Медицинские термины
ballistocardiography — See ballistocardiograph. * * * graphic recording of the stroke volume of the heart for the purpose of calculating cardiac output. The heartbeat results in motion of the body, which in turn causes movements in a suspended supporting… … Universalium