- snippety
- snip·pety
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Snippety — Snip pet*y, a. Ridiculously small; petty. Snippety facts. London Spectator. [1913 Webster] [1913 Webster] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
snippety — [snip′itē] adj. 1. made up of scraps or snippets 2. Informal SNIPPY * * * snip·pet·y (snĭpʹĭ tē) adj. snip·pet·i·er … Universalium
snippety — [snip′itē] adj. 1. made up of scraps or snippets 2. Informal SNIPPY … English World dictionary
snippety — ˈsnipəd.ē, ətē, i adjective 1. : that is a snippet : ridiculously small : petty 2. : made up of snippets a rather snippety anthology 3. : unduly brief or curt : snippy had been snippety to her former friends since s … Useful english dictionary
snippety — adjective Date: 1864 1. made up of snippets 2. [probably from snip (II) + ety (as in pernickety)] snippy … New Collegiate Dictionary
snippety — (Roget s Thesaurus II) adjective Informal. Rude and disrespectful: assuming, assumptive, audacious, bold, boldfaced, brash, brazen, cheeky, contumelious, familiar, forward, impertinent, impudent, insolent, malapert, nervy, overconfident, pert,… … English dictionary for students
snippy — snippily, adv. snippiness, snippetiness, n. /snip ee/, adj., snippier, snippiest. 1. sharp or curt, esp. in a supercilious or haughty way; impertinent. 2. scrappy or fragmentary. Also, snippety /snip i tee/. [1720 30; SNIP + Y1] * * * … Universalium
abrupt — Synonyms and related words: aggressive, arduous, bearish, beastly, bluff, blunt, blunt edged, blunt ended, blunt pointed, blunted, bluntish, bold, brash, breakneck, breathless, brief, brisk, brusque, casual, cavalier, churlish, crisp, crusty,… … Moby Thesaurus
bluff — Synonyms and related words: Herod, abrupt, act, act a part, acting, affable, affect, affectation, aggressive, appearance, approachable, artful dodge, artifice, artless, assume, attitudinizing, bag of tricks, bamboozle, barefaced, bearish, beastly … Moby Thesaurus
blunt — Synonyms and related words: KO, abate, abrupt, affectless, aggressive, allay, alleviate, anesthetize, anesthetized, arctic, artless, assuage, attemper, attenuate, autistic, bank the fire, bate, bearish, beastly, bedaze, benumb, besot, bluff,… … Moby Thesaurus