- snuff
- snuff;snuff·i·ness;snuff·ing·ly;snuff·ish;snuff·less;snuff·er;
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Snuff — «Snuff» Сингл Slipknot c альбома «All Hope Is Gone» Выпущен September 28, 2009 Формат CD Записан February–June 2008 at Sound Farm in Jamaica, Iowa Жанр Alternative rock … Википедия
Snuff — Snuff, initialement appelé Slaughter, est un film gore américain, réalisé en 1976 par Michael et Roberta Findlay. Filmé en Amérique du Sud, le film dépeint les exactions d un culte d adeptes de Charles Manson et se termine par le meurtre d une… … Wikipédia en Français
snuff´i|ly — snuff|y «SNUHF ee», adjective, snuff|i|er, snuff|i|est. 1. like snuff. 2. soiled or stained with snuff. 3. having the habit of using snuff … Useful english dictionary
snuff|y — «SNUHF ee», adjective, snuff|i|er, snuff|i|est. 1. like snuff. 2. soiled or stained with snuff. 3. having the habit of using snuff … Useful english dictionary
Snuff — Snuff, n. 1. The act of snuffing; perception by snuffing; a sniff. [1913 Webster] 2. Pulverized tobacco, etc., prepared to be taken into the nose; also, the amount taken at once. [1913 Webster] 3. Resentment, displeasure, or contempt, expressed… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Snuff — Snuff, n. [Cf. G. schnuppe candle snuff, schnuppen to snuff a candle (see {Snuff}, v. t., to snuff a candle), or cf. {Snub}, v. t.] The part of a candle wick charred by the flame, whether burning or not. [1913 Webster] If the burning snuff… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Snuff — Snuff, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Snuffed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Snuffing}.] [OE. snuffen. See {Snuff} of a candle {Snuff} to sniff.] To crop the snuff of, as a candle; to take off the end of the snuff of. [1913 Webster] {To snuff out}, to extinguish by… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Snuff — ist ein englischer Begriff für Schnupftabak die Kurzform von Snuff Film oder Video der englische Name für den argentinischen Film El Ángel de la muerte der auf englisch Snuff hieß und als Begründer des Snuff Genre zählt. Siehe dazu auch: Big… … Deutsch Wikipedia
snuff — Ⅰ. snuff [1] ► VERB 1) extinguish (a candle). 2) (snuff out) abruptly put an end to. 3) (snuff it) Brit. informal die. ► NOUN ▪ the charred part of a candle wick … English terms dictionary
Snuff — Snuff, v. t.[Akin to D. snuffen, G. schnupfen, schnuppen, to snuff, schnupfen a cold in the head, schnuppen to snuff (air), also, to snuff (a candle). Cf. {Sniff}, {Snout}, {Snub}, v. i.] 1. To draw in, or to inhale, forcibly through the nose; to … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English