- squamelliferous
- squa·mel·lif·er·ous
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
squamelliferous — |skwāmə|lif(ə)rəs adjective Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary squamell (from New Latin squamella) + iferous : bearing squamellae … Useful english dictionary
squamaceous — a. scaly. ♦ squamate, ♦ squameous, ♦ squamose, ♦ squamous, a. like, having or covered with scales. ♦ squamellate, squamelliferous, ♦ squamulate, ♦ squamulose, a. having small scales. ♦ squamoid, a. like a scale … Dictionary of difficult words