- stalagmitical
- stal·ag·mit·i·cal
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Stalagmitical — Stalagmitic Stal ag*mit ic (st[a^]l [a^]g*m[i^]t [i^]k), Stalagmitical Stal ag*mit ic*al ( m[i^]t [i^]*kal), a. Having the form or structure of stalagmites. {Stal ag*mit ic*al*ly}, adv. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
stalagmitical — adjective see stalagmitic … Useful english dictionary
Stalagmitic — Stal ag*mit ic (st[a^]l [a^]g*m[i^]t [i^]k), Stalagmitical Stal ag*mit ic*al ( m[i^]t [i^]*kal), a. Having the form or structure of stalagmites. {Stal ag*mit ic*al*ly}, adv. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Stalagmitically — Stalagmitic Stal ag*mit ic (st[a^]l [a^]g*m[i^]t [i^]k), Stalagmitical Stal ag*mit ic*al ( m[i^]t [i^]*kal), a. Having the form or structure of stalagmites. {Stal ag*mit ic*al*ly}, adv. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
stalagmite — stalagmitic /stal euhg mit ik/, stalagmitical, adj. stalagmitically, adv. /steuh lag muyt, stal euhg muyt /, n. a deposit, usually of calcium carbonate, more or less resembling an inverted stalactite, formed on the floor of a cave or the like by… … Universalium
stalagmite — /ˈstæləgmaɪt / (say staluhgmuyt) noun a deposit, usually of calcium carbonate, more or less resembling an inverted stalactite, formed on the floor of a cave or the like by the dripping of percolating calcareous water. {New Latin stalagmītēs, from …