

English syllables. 2014.

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  • ştric — s. v. frânghie, funicular, funie, grad, şleau, ştreang, trăgătoare. Trimis de siveco, 13.09.2007. Sursa: Sinonime  ştric s. n., pl. ştrícuri Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic  ştric1, ştrici, s.m. şi ştrícuri, s.n. ( …   Dicționar Român

  • stric — strȋc m <G stríca, N mn stríčevi> DEFINICIJA 1. očev brat 2. fam. dijete ili mlađa osoba u obraćanju starijem muškarcu, usp. striček SINTAGMA stric iz Amerike (ob. u šali) bogati dalji rođak koji ostavlja neočekivano nasljedstvo; nada u… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • strîc — m 〈G stríca, N mn stríčevi〉 1. {{001f}}očev brat 2. {{001f}}fam. dijete ili mlađa osoba u obraćanju starijem muškarcu, {{c=1}}usp. {{ref}}striček{{/ref}} ⃞ {{001f}}∼ iz Amerike (ob. u šali) bogati dalji rođak koji ostavlja neočekivano… …   Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika

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  • stríc — a m (í) 1. očetov ali materin brat: stric je prišel na obisk; ima tri strice in eno teto / stric po materi / mali ali mrzli stric očetov ali materin bratranec // navadno kot nagovor starejši znan moški: kam ste namenjeni, stric 2. ekspr. človek,… …   Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika

  • stric|tion — «STRIHK shuhn», noun. a drawing tight; constriction. ╂[< Latin strictiō, ōnis < strictus; see etym. under strict (Cf. ↑strict)] …   Useful english dictionary

  • stric|ture — «STRIHK chuhr», noun. 1. an unfavorable criticism; critical remark: »We may now and then add a few strictures of reproof (Samuel Johnson). 2. an unhealthy narrowing of some canal, duct, or tube of the body, as of the urethra, esophagus, or… …   Useful english dictionary

  • stric·ture — /ˈstrıkʧɚ/ noun, pl tures [count] formal 1 : a law or rule that limits or controls something : ↑restriction moral strictures often + against or on strictures on/against the sale and possession of weapons 2 : a strong criticism …   Useful english dictionary

  • re|stric´tive|ness — re|stric|tive «rih STRIHK tihv», adjective, noun. –adj. restricting; limiting: »Some laws are prohibitive; some are only restrictive. –n. a restrictive word or expression: »In English, what thickens the confusion, is the indeterminate character… …   Useful english dictionary

  • re|stric´tive|ly — re|stric|tive «rih STRIHK tihv», adjective, noun. –adj. restricting; limiting: »Some laws are prohibitive; some are only restrictive. –n. a restrictive word or expression: »In English, what thickens the confusion, is the indeterminate character… …   Useful english dictionary

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