- barothermohygrograph
- bar·o·ther·mo·hygrograph
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
barothermohygrograph — /bar euh therr meuh huy greuh graf , grahf /, n. Meteorol. an automatic instrument for recording pressure, temperature, and humidity. [BARO + THERMO + HYGROGRAPH] * * * … Universalium
barothermohygrograph — n. instrument recording simultaneously atmospheric pressure, temperature and humidity … Dictionary of difficult words
barothermohygrograph — |barə|thərmō+ noun ( s) Etymology: blend of barograph, thermograph and hygrograph : an instrument for automatically recording on the same sheet of paper the pressure, temperature, and humidity of the atmosphere * * * /bar euh therr meuh huy greuh … Useful english dictionary