- subclavius
- sub·cla·vi·us
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Subclavius — Musculus subclavius tiefe Schulter und Brustmuskulatur des Menschen Ursprung 1. Rippenknorpel Ansatz Schlüsselbein … Deutsch Wikipedia
subclavius — /sub klay vee euhs/, n., pl. subclavii / vee uy /. Anat. a small shoulder muscle, the action of which assists in depressing the shoulder. [1695 1705; < NL subclavius (musculus) subclavian (muscle), equiv. to L sub SUB + clavi(s) key (see… … Universalium
Subclavius muscle — Muscle infobox Name = Subclavius muscle Latin = musculus subclavius GraySubject = 122 GrayPage = 438 | Caption = Deep muscles of the chest and front of the arm, with the boundaries of the axilla. (Subclavius visible at upper left, above first rib … Wikipedia
subclavius muscle — musculus subclavius … Medical dictionary
subclavius — See s. (muscle). * * * sub·cla·vi·us .səb klā vē əs n, pl vii vē .ī a small muscle on each side of the body that arises from the junction of the first rib and its cartilage, inserts into the inferior surface of the clavicle, and acts to stabilize … Medical dictionary
subclavius — sub|cla̱vius, ...via, ...vium [zu ↑sub... u. lat. clavis = Schlüssel]: unter dem Schlüsselbein liegend; z. B. in der Fügung ↑Ansa subclavia (Anat.) … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
subclavius — n. small shoulder muscle (Anatomy) … English contemporary dictionary
subclavius — … Useful english dictionary
Nerve to the subclavius — Nerve: Nerve to the subclavius Plan of brachial plexus. (Nerve to subclavius labeled at top center.) … Wikipedia
N. subclavius — Plexus brachialis mit Nervus subclavius („subclavian“) Der Nervus subclavius ist ein zarter motorischer Nerv des Armgeflechts (Plexus brachialis). Er entspringt beim Menschen aus der Vereinigungsstelle des fünften und sechsten Halsnervens,… … Deutsch Wikipedia