- sucrase
- su·crase
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Sucrase — is the name given to a number of enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of sucrose to fructose and glucose. The enzyme invertase, which occurs more commonly in plants, also hydrolyzes sucrose but by a different mechanism.[1] Contents 1 Types 2 … Wikipedia
Sucrase — Isomaltase Größe 1826 Aminosäuren Struktur single pass Typ 2 Membranprotein Bezeichner … Deutsch Wikipedia
sucrase — [ sykraz ] n. f. • 1903; de sucre et ase ♦ Biochim. Saccharase. ● sucrase nom féminin Synonyme de invertase. ● sucrase (synonymes) nom féminin Synonymes : invertase … Encyclopédie Universelle
sucrase — [so͞o′krās΄] n. [< Fr sucre,SUGAR + ASE] an enzyme present in certain plant and animal tissues that catalyzes the hydrolysis of sucrose into glucose and fructose … English World dictionary
Sucrase — Saccharase La saccharase ou sucrase est une enzyme qui scinde le saccharose en une molécule de fructose et une de glucose. Cette enzyme, secrétée par les cryptes de Lieberkühn, est présente dans la muqueuse intestinale. Si la saccharase n est pas … Wikipédia en Français
sucrase — /sooh krays, krayz/, n. Biochem. invertase. [1895 1900; < F sucre SUGAR + ASE] * * * ▪ enzyme also called Invertase, any member of a group of enzymes present in yeast and in the intestinal mucosa of animals that catalyze the hydrolysis… … Universalium
sucrase — SYN: sucrose α d glucohydrolase. * * * su·crase sü .krās, .krāz n INVERTASE * * * n. an enzyme, secreted by glands in the small intestine, that catalyses the hydrolysis of sucrose into its components (glucose and fructose). * * * su·crase… … Medical dictionary
Sucrase-Isomaltase — Masse/Länge Primärstruktur 1826 Aminosäuren … Deutsch Wikipedia
Sucrase-isomaltase — protein Name=sucrase isomaltase (alpha glucosidase) caption= width= HGNCid=10856 Symbol=SI AltSymbols= EntrezGene=6476 OMIM=609845 RefSeq=NM 001041 UniProt=P14410 PDB= ECnumber= Chromosome=3 Arm=q Band=25.2 LocusSupplementaryData=… … Wikipedia
sucrase-isomaltase complex — the enzyme complex comprising sucrase and α dextrinase (isomaltase) activities, occurring in the brush border of the intestinal mucosa and hydrolyzing maltose as well as maltotriose and some other glycosidic bonds; the enzymes are… … Medical dictionary
sucrase-isomaltase deficiency — a disaccharidase deficiency caused by mutations in the SI gene (locus: 3q25 q26), which encodes the sucrase isomaltase complex of the intestinal mucosa, leading to deficient activity of the complex with resulting malabsorption of sucrose and… … Medical dictionary