- swinger
- swing·er
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Swinger — (von engl. to swing, „schwingen, hin und herbewegen“) ist eine im 20. Jahrhundert populär gewordene Bezeichnung für Menschen, die – im weitesten Sinne – ihre Sexualität frei und ohne Einschränkungen mit verschiedenen (beliebigen) Partnern… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Swinger — Swin ger, n. 1. One who swinges. [1913 Webster] 2. Anything very large, forcible, or astonishing. [Obs. or Colloq.] Herrick. [1913 Webster] 3. [Colloq.] A person who engages frequently in lively and fashionable pursuits, such as attending night… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Swinger — Swing er, n. One who swings or whirls. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
swinger — [swiŋ′ər] n. 1. one that swings ☆ 2. Slang a person who is sophisticated, ultra fashionable, active, uninhibited, etc., esp. in the pursuit of pleasure 3. Slang a) a person who swings: see SWING, vi. 10a b) either one of a couple that swings: see … English World dictionary
Swinger — Swịn|ger 〈m. 3〉 1. schwingender, nach unten weit fallender kurzer Mantel 2. 〈umg.〉 jmd., der Gruppensex betreibt [engl., eigtl. „lockerer Typ“] * * * Swịn|ger, der; s, [engl. swinger = jmd., der hin und her schwingt]: 1. (Mode) Kurzmantel in… … Universal-Lexikon
swinger — 1. n. a person who participates in innovative sexual activities. (See also swing.) □ Is Gary a swinger? I’ve heard talk about him. □ We watched a movie about a swinger, but everything interesting happened in dim blue light. 2. n. a youthful,… … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
swinger — UK [ˈswɪŋə(r)] / US [ˈswɪŋər] noun [countable] Word forms swinger : singular swinger plural swingers 1) informal old fashioned someone who is lively and fashionable and goes to many social events. This word was used mainly in the 1960s. 2)… … English dictionary
Swinger — Swin|ger der; s, <aus engl. amerik. swinger »jmd., der häufig seinen Partner wechselt, lockerer Typ«, eigtl. »jmd., der hin u. her schwingt«, Bed. 2 zu engl. to swing, vgl. ↑Swing> (Jargon) 1. a) jmd., der von Zeit zu Zeit statt mit dem… … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
swinger — [[t]swɪ̱ŋə(r)[/t]] swingers 1) N COUNT A swinger is a person who is lively and fashionable. [INFORMAL, OLD FASHIONED] 2) N COUNT Swingers are people who are married or in a long term relationship and who like to have sex with other couples … English dictionary
swinger — swin|ger sb., en, e, ne (person som dyrker uforpligtende sex i en klub), i sms. swinger , fx swingerklub … Dansk ordbog
swinger — swing ► VERB (past and past part. swung) 1) move back and forth or from side to side while or as if suspended. 2) move by grasping a support and leaping. 3) move in a smooth, curving line. 4) (swing at) attempt to hit or punch. 5) shift from one… … English terms dictionary