

English syllables. 2014.

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  • swingingly — adverb a) With a swinging motion. The party was slow to start, but by the end of the night it was going swingingly. b) Very well or with great success; splendidly …   Wiktionary

  • swingingly — I. adverb Date: 1671 chiefly British very, extremely II. adverb Date: 1882 in a swinging manner ; with a swinging movement …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • swingingly — I. ˈswinjiŋlē, jēŋ , li adverb Etymology: swingeing (I), swinging + ly chiefly Britain : swingeing II. ˈswiŋiŋlē, li adverb Etymology: swinging …   Useful english dictionary

  • swinging — swingingly, adv. /swing ing/, adj., superl. swingingest, n. adj. 1. characterized by or capable of swinging, being swung, or causing to swing. 2. intended for swinging upon, by, from, or in: the swinging devices in a playground. 3. Slang.… …   Universalium

  • swinging — adjective informal lively, exciting, and fashionable. ↘sexually liberated or promiscuous. Derivatives swingingly adverb …   English new terms dictionary

  • swinging — /ˈswɪŋɪŋ/ (say swinging) adjective 1. characterised by or capable of swinging or being swung. 2. varying in political affiliation from election to election: they aimed to capture the swinging vote. 3. Colloquial fine; excellent. 4. Colloquial… …  

  • swinging — [swiŋ′iŋ] adj. 1. that swings 2. done with a swing ☆ 3. Slang lively, sophisticated, ultra fashionable, etc. 4. Slang engaging in casual or group sexual relations swingingly adv …   English World dictionary

  • swinging — adj. 1 (of gait, melody, etc.) vigorously rhythmical. 2 colloq. a lively; up to date; excellent. b promiscuous. Derivatives: swingingly adv …   Useful english dictionary

  • aswing — əˈ adjective Etymology: a (I) + swing, v. : swinging * * * aswing /ə swingˈ/ (archaic) adverb 1. Swingingly 2. In a swing ORIGIN: ↑a 1 …   Useful english dictionary

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