

English syllables. 2014.

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  • swishingly — adverb see swish I …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • swishingly — adverb In a swishing way; with a swishing sound or motion …   Wiktionary

  • swishingly — adverb Etymology: swishing (present participle of swish) (I) + ly : in a swishing manner or with a swishing sound …   Useful english dictionary

  • swish — I. verb Etymology: imitative Date: 1756 intransitive verb to move, pass, swing, or whirl with the sound of a swish transitive verb 1. to move, cut, or strike with a swish < the horse swished its tail > 2. to make (a basketball shot) so that the… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • swish — swisher, n. swishingly, adv. /swish/, v.i. 1. to move with or make a sibilant sound, as a slender rod cutting sharply through the air or as small waves washing on the shore. 2. to rustle, as silk. 3. to move or behave in an exaggeratedly… …   Universalium

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