- tasian
- ta·si·an
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Tasian — [tä′sē ən] adj. 〚after Deir Tasa, village in upper Egypt, where artifacts were found〛 designating or of the earliest known Neolithic farming culture of Egypt, preceding the Badarian * * * … Universalium
Tasian — [tä′sē ən] adj. [after Deir Tasa, village in upper Egypt, where artifacts were found] designating or of the earliest known Neolithic farming culture of Egypt, preceding the Badarian … English World dictionary
tasian — I. ˈtäsēən adjective Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: (Deir) Tasa, village in Upper Egypt, type site of the Tasian culture + English ian : of or relating to a predynastic neolithic culture of Upper Egypt earlier than the Badarian II. noun (… … Useful english dictionary
Tasian culture — ▪ Egyptian history possibly the oldest known cultural phase in Upper Egypt (c. 4500 BC). The Tasian culture is best known from evidence found on the east bank of the Nile River at al Badārī and at Deir Tasa. Tasian remains are… … Universalium
TASİAN — Dokuzuncu olarak … Yeni Lügat Türkçe Sözlük
Tasian, Paul — Contemporary pinup illustrator … Dictionary of erotic artists: painters, sculptors, printmakers, graphic designers and illustrators
Тасийская культура — (Tasian), получила название от Дейр Таса, поселения с примитивным земледелием в Верхнем Египте. В настоящее время считается локальным вариантом бадарийской культуры … Археологический словарь
Prehistoric Egypt — History of Egypt This article is part of a series Prehistory Ancient Egypt … Wikipedia
Predynastic Egypt — The Predynastic Period of Egypt (prior to 3100 BC) is traditionally the period between the Early Neolithic and the beginning of the Pharaonic monarchy beginning with King Narmer. However, the dates of the predynastic period were first defined… … Wikipedia
History of ancient Egypt — The History of ancient Egypt spans the period from the early predynastic settlements of the northern Nile Valley to the Roman conquest in 30 BC. The Pharaonic Period is dated from around 3150 BC, when Lower and Upper Egypt became a unified state … Wikipedia