- ter-american
- in·ter-american;
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
American Indians — American Indians † Catholic Encyclopedia ► American Indians GENERAL When Columbus landed on the island of San Salvador in 1492 he was welcomed by a brown skinned people whose physical appearance confirmed him in his opinion that… … Catholic encyclopedia
ter|ra|pin — «TEHR uh pihn», noun. 1. any one of certain North American turtles used for food. Terrapins live in fresh water or tidewater. The diamondback terrapin of the Atlantic and Gulf coasts is one kind. 2. any one of certain other turtles. ╂[American… … Useful english dictionary
American IG — is the name of a company, and it owes its genesis to a German business conglomerate, namely, Interessens Gemeinschaft Farbenindustrie AG, or IG Farben for short. The business and the industrial empire, which the “IG” controlled and commanded has… … Wikipedia
ter´mi|nal|ly — ter|mi|nal «TEHR muh nuhl», adjective, noun. –adj. 1. a) at the end; forming the end part: »a terminal appendage. b) Botany. growing at the end of a branch or stem: »a terminal bud or flower. 2. coming at the end: »a terminal examination.… … Useful english dictionary
ter|mi|nal — «TEHR muh nuhl», adjective, noun. –adj. 1. a) at the end; forming the end part: »a terminal appendage. b) Botany. growing at the end of a branch or stem: »a terminal bud or flower. 2. coming at the end: »a terminal examination. SYNONYM(S): final … Useful english dictionary
ter|mi|na|tion — «TUR muh NAY shuhn», noun. 1. the act of ending or the fact of being ended; end: »The termination of the agreement left the businessman free to do as he pleased. All human power has its termination sooner or later (Cardinal Newman). SYNONYM(S):… … Useful english dictionary
ter|ri|to|ri|al|i|ty — «TEHR uh TR ee AL uh tee, TOHR », noun. 1. territorial quality, condition, position, or status. 2. a form of behavior in which an animal claims an area for itself and defends it from encroachment by others: »No room was left for doubting…the… … Useful english dictionary
American Conservatory Theater — American Con|ser|va|to|ry Thea|ter, the the full name of ↑ACT … Dictionary of contemporary English
American-British-Dutch-Australian Command — ABDACOM Area The American British Dutch Australian (ABDA) Command, or ABDACOM, was a short lived, supreme command for all Allied forces in South East Asia, in early 1942, during the Pacific War in World War II. The main objective of the command,… … Wikipedia
Ter Poorten, General Hein — 1887–1948 Serving as Commander in Chief of land forces in the Dutch East Indies from October 1941, Ter Poorten had to organize its defense against the Japanese, who invaded Sarawak, the Celebes and Tarakan (Borneo) in January 1942. Ter Poorten … Who’s Who in World War Two