- ter-chat
- chit·ter-chat·ter;
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
chat´ter|ing|ly — chat|ter «CHAT uhr», verb, noun. –v.i. 1. to talk constantly in a quick, foolish way about unimportant things: »The children chattered about the circus. SYNONYM(S): babble, prattle. 2. to make quick, indistinct sounds: »Monkeys chatter. Starlings … Useful english dictionary
chat|ter — «CHAT uhr», verb, noun. –v.i. 1. to talk constantly in a quick, foolish way about unimportant things: »The children chattered about the circus. SYNONYM(S): babble, prattle. 2. to make quick, indistinct sounds: »Monkeys chatter. Starlings chatter… … Useful english dictionary
ter — ter; ter·a·con·ic; ter·a·cryl·ic; ter·a·glin; ter·aph; ter·as; ter·a·tism; ter·a·to·genesis; ter·a·to·gen·ic; ter·a·to·log·i·cal; ter·a·tol·o·gist; ter·a·tol·o·gy; ter·a·to·ma; ter·a·to·sis; ter·bi·um; ter·centennial; ter·centesimal; ter·ce·ron;… … English syllables
chat — a·chat·ter; chat·el·lany; chat·e·nay; chat·ham·ite; chat·ta; chat·ta·noo·ga; chat·ta·noo·gan; chat·tel; chat·tel·ism; chat·tel·i·za·tion; chat·tel·ize; chat·ter·er; chat·ter·ing·ly; chat·ti·ly; chat·ti·ness; chat·ting·ly; chit·chat·ty;… … English syllables
chat|ter|box — «CHAT uhr boks», noun. a person who chatters all the time … Useful english dictionary
chat|ter|er — «CHAT uhr uhr», noun. 1. one who chatters. 2. a) any one of a family of brightly colored birds related to the flycatchers, of South America and north to Arizona; cotinga. b) = waxwing. (Cf. ↑waxwing) … Useful english dictionary
chat·ter·box — … Useful english dictionary
chit´-chat´ter — chit chat «CHIHT CHAT», noun, verb, chat|ted, chat|ting. –n. 1. friendly, informal talk; chat: »This age group, I found by chit chat…is not exclusively preoccupied with dating (Atlantic) … Useful english dictionary
chit — ar·chit·o·my; chit·chat·ty; chit·i·ma·cha; chit·munk; chit·ta·gong; chit·tak; chit·tam; chit·ter chat·ter; chit·ter·lings; con·chit·ic; or·chit·ic; ra·chit·ic; ra·chit·o·mi; rha·chit·o·mi; rha·chit·o·mous; tri·chit·ic; chit·lin; an·ti·ra·chit·ic; … English syllables
-dac·ty·lous; — ab·i·e·tate; ab·i·e·tene; abio·gen·e·sis; abi·og·e·nist; abra·si·om·e·ter; ab·sorp·ti·om·e·ter; aca·cat·e·chin; ac·ac·e·tin; acad·e·mist; acad·e·my; ac·cel·er·om·e·ter; ac·e·tab·u·lar; ac·e·tab·u·lar·ia; ac·e·tab·u·late; ac·e·tab·u·lif·era;… … English syllables