- terricolous
- ter·ric·o·lous
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
terricolous — [te rik′ə ləs, tərik′ə ləs] adj. [< L terricola, earth dweller < terra,TERRA + colere, to dwell, till (see CULT) + OUS] Biol. living in or on the ground … English World dictionary
terricolous — adj. [L. terra, earth; colare, to inhabit] Soil inhabiting … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
terricolous — /te rik euh leuhs/, adj. Biol. living on or in the ground. [1825 35; < L terri (comb. form of terra earth) + COLOUS] * * * … Universalium
terricolous — adjective Living in on, or near ground … Wiktionary
terricolous — [tɛ rɪkələs] adjective Biology living on the ground or in the soil. Origin C19: from L. terricola earth dweller + ous … English new terms dictionary
terricolous — ter•ric•o•lous [[t]tɛˈrɪk ə ləs[/t]] adj. ecl living on or in the ground • Etymology: 1825–35; < L terri , comb. form of terra earth + colous … From formal English to slang
terricolous — /tɛˈrɪkələs/ (say te rikuhluhs) adjective living on or in the ground. {Latin terricola earth dweller + ous} …
terricolous — a. living in or on ground … Dictionary of difficult words
terricolous — adj. living on or in the earth. Etymology: L terricola earth dweller f. terra earth + colere inhabit … Useful english dictionary
Desert fungi — A variety of terricolous fungi inhabit the biological soil crust of arid regions. Those exposed to the sun typically contain melanin and are resistant to high temperatures, dryness and low nutrition. Species that are common elsewhere (e.g.… … Wikipedia