

English syllables. 2014.

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  • tetrazzini — [te΄trə zē′nē] adj. [after L. Tetrazzini (1871 1940), Ital soprano] [also T ] diced and combined with noodles, mushrooms, and cream sauce, then topped with grated Parmesan cheese and browned in the oven [turkey tetrazzini] …   English World dictionary

  • Tetrazzini — Para la soprano italiana, véase Luisa Tetrazzini. Pavo Tetrazzini. El Tetrazzini es un plato estadounidense que suele incluir a la carne no roja (a menudo de ave o incluso marisco), hongos, y almendra en una salsa de mantequilla o nata y que …   Wikipedia Español

  • Tetrazzini — Turkey Tetrazzini Tetrazzini is an American dish usually involving a non red meat (often diced fowl or seafood), mushrooms, and almonds in a butter/cream and parmesan sauce flavored with wine or sherry and stock vegetables such as onions, celery …   Wikipedia

  • Tetrazzini — Luisa Tetrazzini ist eine Opernsängerin Luisa Tetrazzini eine nach ihr benannte Speise Tetrazzini (Speise) Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichneter Begriffe …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • tetrazzini — adjective Usage: often capitalized Etymology: Luisa Tetrazzini died 1940 Italian opera singer Date: 1920 prepared with pasta and a white sauce seasoned with sherry and served au gratin < chicken tetrazzini > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Tetrazzini — /te treuh zee nee/; It. /te trddaht tsee nee/, n. Luisa /looh ee zah/ 1. 1874 1940, Italian operatic soprano. adj. 2. (often l.c.) served over pasta with a cream sauce, often flavored with sherry, sprinkled with cheese, and browned in the oven:… …   Universalium

  • Tetrazzini — Te•traz•zi•ni [[t]ˌtɛ trəˈzi ni[/t]] adj. coo (often l.c.) served over pasta with a cream sauce, often flavored with sherry and sprinkled with cheese: chicken Tetrazzini[/ex] • Etymology: after Lucia Tetrazzini (1874–1940), Italian operatic… …   From formal English to slang

  • Tetrazzini — noun a pasta dish with cream sauce and mushrooms • Hypernyms: ↑dish • Hyponyms: ↑chicken Tetrazzini …   Useful english dictionary

  • Tetrazzini, Luisa — ▪ Italian singer born June 29, 1871, Florence, Italy died April 28, 1940, Milan       Italian coloratura soprano, one of the finest of her time.       In Florence, Tetrazzini studied with her sister Eva, a successful dramatic soprano, and at the… …   Universalium

  • tetrazzini — noun /tɛtrəˈziːni/ An American dish usually including a non red meat and a white sauce over spaghetti or some similar pasta …   Wiktionary

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