

English syllables. 2014.

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  • Thesmophoria — was a festival held in Greek cities, in honor of the goddesses Demeter and her daughter Persephone. The name derives from thesmoi, or laws by which men must work the land.[1] The Thesmophoria were the most widespread festivals and the main… …   Wikipedia

  • THESMOPHORIA — festum cui a Cetere θεσμοφόρῳ nomen. Huius enim beneficiô cum fruges inventae esent, quarum dein sationem Tripolemus docuit, decretô totius populi Atheniensis, sacra hae instiura sunt, quae a Cerere, ut dictum, Thesmophoria, et a partre… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Thesmophoria — Thesmophoria, griech. Fest zu Ehren der Demeter Thesmophoros d.h. der Ordnenden, von den Frauen gefeiert, die unmittelbar vor dem Feste und während desselben sich gänzlicher Enthaltsamkeit befleißen mußten. (Vgl. Schillers eleusinisches Fest.) …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • Thesmophoria — In Greek religion, a festival held in honor of Demeter Thesmophoros. The celebrants were free married women who had observed chastity for several days and abstained from certain foods. Pigs were thrown into an underground chamber, where they were …   Universalium

  • thesmophoria — …   Useful english dictionary

  • CEREALIA — orum, sacra Cereris a Triptolemo instituta, quae Plinius, l. 24. c. 9. Thesmophoria vocat, a Cerere Thesmophoro, h. e. legum latrice. Haec autem festa tantâ religione celebrabantur, ut feriae pollutae crederentur, si quis eô tempore cum uxore… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • thesmophories — [ tɛsmɔfɔri ] n. f. pl. • 1618; gr. thesmophoria, de thesmophoros « législateur », appell. de Déméter ♦ Antiq. gr. Fêtes en l honneur de Déméter, célébrées par les femmes. ● thesmophories nom féminin pluriel (grec thesmophoria) Fêtes grecques… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Thesmophoriazusae — ( el. Θεσμοφοριάζουσες / Thesmophoriazouses ; meaning Women Celebrating the Thesmophoria Festival , also called The Poet and the Women ) is a comedy written by the Greek playwright Aristophanes. It was first produced in 411 BC, probably at the… …   Wikipedia

  • Aristophanes — Aristophanic /euh ris teuh fan ik/, adj. /ar euh stof euh neez /, n. 448? 385? B.C., Athenian comic dramatist. * * * born с 450 died с 388 BC Greek playwright. An Athenian, he began his career as a comic dramatist in 427. He wrote approximately… …   Universalium

  • LEGIFERA — epitheton Isidis, Gr. Θεσμοφόρος, quod prima fuerit legum inventrix. Ita enim de ill Diod. Sic. l. 1. ubi eam filiam Saturni ex Rhea, Ositidis sororem atque uxorem, et eandem cum Cerere esse scribit: Prima invenit triticum et hordeum, hominibus… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

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