- thiosinamine
- thio·sin·amine
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
thiosinamine — [thī΄ōsin am′ēn, thī΄ōsin′ə mēn΄] n. [ THIO + sinamine (< L sinapis, mustard + AMINE)] a colorless, crystalline chemical compound, C4H8N2S, produced by the reaction of ammonia on mustard oil, used in medicine for resolving scar tissue and in… … English World dictionary
thiosinamine — /thuy euh si nam in, sin euh meen /, n. Chem. a white, crystalline, water soluble, bitter tasting powder, C4H8N2S, occurring in mustard oil: used chiefly in organic synthesis. Also called allylthiourea. [1850 55; THIO + Gk sín(api) mustard +… … Universalium
thiosinamine — thio·sin·amine .thī ō sin ə .mēn n ALLYLTHIOUREA … Medical dictionary
thiosinamine — n. chemical compound used in organic synthesis … English contemporary dictionary
thiosinamine — /θaɪoʊˈsɪnəmin/ (say thuyoh sinuhmeen), / səˈnæmən/ (say suh namuhn) noun a colourless crystalline compound, C3H5NHCSNH2, with bitter taste and faint garlic like smell, obtained by the action of ammonia on a sulphur compound, present in mustard… …
thiosinamine — ˌthīōsə̇ˈnamə̇n, ōˈsinəˌmēn noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary thi + sin (from Latin sinapis mustard) + amine more at sinapis : allylthiourea * * * /thuy euh si nam in … Useful english dictionary
thi- — thi(o) ♦ Élément, du gr. theion « soufre ». ⇒THI(O) , (THI , THIO )élém. formant Élém. tiré du gr. « soufre ». A. CHIM. [Thi(o) indique le remplacement d un atome d oxygène par un atome de soufre bivalent négatif et plus gén. la présence d un… … Encyclopédie Universelle
thio- — thi(o) ♦ Élément, du gr. theion « soufre ». ⇒THI(O) , (THI , THIO )élém. formant Élém. tiré du gr. « soufre ». A. CHIM. [Thi(o) indique le remplacement d un atome d oxygène par un atome de soufre bivalent négatif et plus gén. la présence d un… … Encyclopédie Universelle
allylthiourea — |alə̇lˌ noun ( s) Etymology: New Latin, from International Scientific Vocabulary allyl + New Latin thiourea : a white crystalline compound C3H5NHCSNH2 made from allyl isothiocyanate and ammonia and used in photography especially as a sensitizing… … Useful english dictionary
al|lyl|thi|o|u|re|a — «AL uhl THY oh yu REE uh, YUR ee », noun. = thiosinamine. (Cf. ↑thiosinamine) … Useful english dictionary