- tootler
- too·tler
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
tootler — noun see tootle … New Collegiate Dictionary
tootler — ˈtüd.ələ(r), üt(ə)l noun ( s) : one that tootles … Useful english dictionary
tootle — tootler, n. /tooht l/, v., tootled, tootling, n. v.i. 1. to toot gently or repeatedly on a flute or the like. 2. to move or proceed in a leisurely way. n. 3. the sound made by tooting on a flute or the like. [1810 20; TOOT1 + LE] * * * … Universalium
tootle — verb (tootled; tootling) Etymology: frequentative of 1toot Date: 1820 intransitive verb 1. to toot gently, repeatedly, or continuously 2. to drive or move along in a leisurely manner transitive verb to toot continuously on < tootled his flute > • … New Collegiate Dictionary
tootle — [to͞ot′ l] vi. tootled, tootling [freq. of TOOT] 1. to toot softly and more or less continuously on a horn, flute, etc. 2. to move about in a leisurely or unrushed way; esp., to drive in this way as in a small car n. the act or sound of tootling… … English World dictionary
tootle — v.intr. 1 toot gently or repeatedly. 2 (usu. foll. by along, around, etc.) colloq. move casually or aimlessly. Derivatives: tootler n … Useful english dictionary