- totaquine
- to·ta·quine
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
totaquine — [tō′tə kwēn΄, tō′təkwin; tō′təkēn΄, tō′təkin] n. 〚< ModL totaquina < LL totalis, TOTAL + Sp quina, cinchona bark (see QUININE): because it contains all the alkaloids of cinchona bark〛 a yellowish white to gray powder containing a mixture of… … Universalium
totaquine — [tō′tə kwēn΄, tō′təkwin; tō′təkēn΄, tō′təkin] n. [< ModL totaquina < LL totalis, TOTAL + Sp quina, cinchona bark (see QUININE): because it contains all the alkaloids of cinchona bark] a yellowish white to gray powder containing a mixture of … English World dictionary
totaquine — to·ta·quine tōt ə .kwēn also to·ta·qui·na .tōt ə kē nə n an antimalarial drug that is obtained as a yellowish brown powder by extraction of cinchona bark and that contains quinine and other alkaloids but is less effective than quinine … Medical dictionary
totaquine — … Useful english dictionary
totaquina — noun see totaquine … Useful english dictionary