- toxoglossate
- tox·o·glos·sate
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
toxoglossate — n. [Gr. toxon, bow; glossa, tongue] (MOLLUSCA: Gastropoda) Having a radula always enclosed in the radular sac; marginal teeth harpoon shaped, filled with venom and loosely arranged in two rows … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
toxoglossate — adjective or noun see toxoglossa … Useful english dictionary
gastropod — /gas treuh pod /, n. 1. any mollusk of the class Gastropoda, comprising the snails, whelks, slugs, etc. adj. 2. Also, gastropodous /ga strop euh deuhs/. belonging or pertaining to the gastropods. [1820 30; < NL Gast(e)ropoda a class of mollusks.… … Universalium
Mangeliidae — Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Mollusca Class: Gastropoda … Wikipedia
Oenopotinae — Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Mollusca Class: Gastropoda … Wikipedia