

English syllables. 2014.

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  • transversary — tran(t)sˈvərsərē, nzˈ noun ( es) Etymology: Latin transversarium crossbeam, from neuter of transversarius situated transversely, from transversus transverse + arius ary : a crosspiece on a nautical cross staff …   Useful english dictionary

  • transvastory — † transˈvastory Obs., perh. corr. of transversary, used by Bourne interchangeably with transitory B. 2, transversary B. 2 …   Useful english dictionary

  • transverse — (adj.) lying across, early 15c. (earlier transversary, c.1400), from L. transversus turned or directed across, pp. of transvertere turn across, from trans across (see TRANS (Cf. trans )) + vertere to turn (see VERSUS (Cf …   Etymology dictionary

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