- tungstite
- tung·stite
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Tungstite — is a hydrous tungsten oxide mineral with formula: WO3 middot;H2O. It is a secondary mineral formed by the weathering of other tungsten containing minerals. It crystallizes in the orthorhombic system in translucent yellow to yellow green masses.… … Wikipedia
Tungstite — Tung stite, n. (Min.) The oxide of tungsten, a yellow mineral occurring in a pulverulent form. It is often associated with wolfram. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
tungstite — [tœ̃gstit] n. f. ÉTYM. 1904; de tungst(ène), et ite. ❖ ♦ Chim., minér. Oxyde naturel de tungstène … Encyclopédie Universelle
tungstite — [tuŋ′stīt΄] n. a very soft, yellowish, orthorhombic mineral, WO3·H2O, usually found, as a powdery coating, with wolframite: also called tungstic ocher … English World dictionary
tungstite — tungstitas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Mineralas. formulė WO₃·H₂O atitikmenys: angl. tungstite rus. тунгстит … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
tungstite — /tung stuyt/, n. a yellow or yellowish green mineral, tungsten trioxide, WO3, usually occurring in a pulverulent form. [1865 70; TUNGST(EN) + ITE1] * * * … Universalium
tungstite — noun An orthorhombic hydrous tungsten oxide mineral formed by the weathering of other tungsten containing minerals … Wiktionary
tungstite — /ˈtʌŋstaɪt/ (say tungstuyt) noun native tungsten trioxide, WO3, a yellow or yellowish green mineral occurring usually in a pulverulent form. {tungst(en) + ite1} …
tungstite — ˈtəŋzˌtīt, ŋ(k)ˌstīt noun ( s) Etymology: tungst + ite : a mineral WO3.H2O(?) consisting of a hydrous tungsten trioxide and occurring in yellow or yellowish green pulverulent masses … Useful english dictionary
Tungstita — General Categoría Minerales óxidos Clase 4.FJ.10 (Strunz) Fórmula química … Wikipedia Español