- tungusian
- tun·gu·sian
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
tungusian — adjective see tungusic II, 1 … Useful english dictionary
Human Race — Human Race † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Human Race Mankind exhibits differences which have been variously interpreted. Some consider them so great that they regard the varieties of the human race as distinct species; others maintain the… … Catholic encyclopedia
Indo-Europeanist — noun A scientist (usually a linguist or anthropologist) engaged in Indo European studies. The Nostratic hypothesis was postulated for the first time by the Danish Indo Europeanist, Holger Pedersen, at the beginning of the 20th century. Today we… … Wiktionary
Tungusic — /tʊŋˈgʊsɪk/ (say toong goosik) noun 1. a branch of the Altaic family of languages spoken in central and eastern Siberia and Manchuria. –adjective 2. belonging to or relating to the Tunguses, a people living in eastern Siberia, or to Tungusic.… …
shaman — n. a witch doctor or priest claiming to communicate with gods etc. Derivatives: shamanism n. shamanist n. & adj. shamanistic adj. Etymology: G Schamane & Russ. shaman f. Tungusian samaacuten … Useful english dictionary