- tutiorism
- tu·ti·or·ism
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
tuţiorism — tuţiorísm s. n. Trimis de siveco, 04.11.2005. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic TUŢIORÍSM s.n. Tendinţă în teologia morală catolică de a obliga la interpretarea cea mai riguroasă a normelor care pot fi interpretate în mai multe feluri. [pron. ţi o .… … Dicționar Român
tutiorism — ˈt(y)üshēəˌrizəm, üd.ē noun ( s) Etymology: Latin tutior safer (comp. of tutus safe, from past participle of tuērī to look at, protect, guard) + English ism more at tuition : a viewpoint in the probabilistic controversy that the argument favoring … Useful english dictionary
tutiorism — doctrine that one should take the safer moral course Philosophical Isms … Phrontistery dictionary
tutiorism — Тьютиоризм … Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов
Probabilism — • The moral system which holds that, when there is question solely of the lawfulness or unlawfulness of an action, it is permissible to follow a solidly probable opinion in favour of liberty even though the opposing view is more probable.… … Catholic encyclopedia
Catholic Probabilism — Probabilism, in Catholic moral theology, provides a way of answering the question about what to do when one does not know what to do. Probabilism proposes that one can follow a probable opinion regarding whether an act may be performed morally,… … Wikipedia
Probabilism — In theology and philosophy, probabilism (from Latin probare , to test, approve) holds that in the absence of certainty, probability is the best criterion. TheologyIn moral theology, especially Catholic, it refers especially to the view in… … Wikipedia
Compensationism — is one of several theological doctrines, opposed to Probabilism. Doctrine Compensationism maintains that a doubtful law is not devoid of all binding force, and that there must be a compensating reason, proportionate to the probability and gravity … Wikipedia
probabilism — probabilist, n., adj. /prob euh beuh liz euhm/, n. 1. Philos. the doctrine, introduced by the Skeptics, that certainty is impossible and that probability suffices to govern faith and practice. 2. Rom. Cath. Theol. a theory that in cases of doubt… … Universalium
tuţiorist — tuţioríst s. m., adj. m., pl. tuţioríşti; f. sg. tuţiorístă, pl. tuţioríste Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic TUŢIORÍST, Ă adj. Referitor la tuţiorism. // … Dicționar Român