- uncinariasis
- un·ci·na·ri·a·sis
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
uncinariasis — Infestación por nematodos que puede ser causada por cualquiera de los dos parásitos peligrosos para el ser humano, Ancylostoma duodenale o Necator americanus. Ambas formas de la enfermedad se caracterizan por dolor abdominal y anemia ferropénica … Diccionario médico
uncinariasis — [un΄si nə rī′ə sis] n. [ModL, after Uncinaria, a genus, including the hookworm < L uncinus, a hook (see UNCIFORM) + IASIS] HOOKWORM DISEASE … English World dictionary
uncinariasis — noun Etymology: New Latin, from Uncinaria, genus that includes hookworms, from Latin uncinus hook Date: 1902 hookworm 2 … New Collegiate Dictionary
uncinariasis — /un seuh neuh ruy euh sis/, n. Pathol. hookworm (def. 2). [1900 05; < NL Uncinar(ia) name of the genus (L uncin(us) (see UNCINATE) + aria ARIA) + iasis IASIS] * * * … Universalium
uncinariasis — SYN: ancylostomiasis. * * * un·ci·na·ri·a·sis .ən .sin ə rī ə səs n, pl a·ses .sēz ANCYLOSTOMIASIS * * * un·cin·a·ri·a·sis (un″sin ə riґə sis) a type of hookworm disease in carnivores caused by infection with worms of the genus… … Medical dictionary
uncinariasis — n. hookworm disease, disease caused by parasitic worms with hook like structures around their mouths (Pathology) … English contemporary dictionary
uncinariasis — un•ci•na•ri•a•sis [[t]ˌʌn sə nəˈraɪ ə sɪs[/t]] n. pat hookworm 2) • Etymology: 1900–05; < NL Uncinari(a) a hookworm genus (L uncīn(us) (see uncinate)) … From formal English to slang
uncinariasis — /ˌʌnsɪnəˈraɪəsəs/ (say .unsinuh ruyuhsuhs) noun → hookworm disease. {New Latin Uncīnār(ia) genus of hookworms (from Latin uncinus hook) + iāsis iasis} …
uncinariasis — … Useful english dictionary
Bailey Ashford — Colonel Bailey K. Ashford was born in Washington D.C. in 1873 and died in 1934. He was one of five children in the family of a prominent physician. His general education was obtained at the public schools and at Columbian University in Washington … Wikipedia