- unnecessariness
- un·necessariness
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
unnecessariness — noun The state or characteristic of being unnecessary. The unavoidableness of which effects hath carried some of their Casuists into an opinion, of the unnecessariness of devotion in these holy businesses: so as one says . . . Though it be… … Wiktionary
Unnecessariness — Unnecessary Un*nec es*sa*ry, a. Not necessary; not required under the circumstances; unless; needless; as, unnecessary labor, care, or rigor. {Un*nec es*sa*ri*ly}, adv. {Un*nec es*sa*ri*ness}, n. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
unnecessariness — n. superfluousness, redundancy … English contemporary dictionary
unnecessariness — “+ noun : the quality or state of being unnecessary … Useful english dictionary
unnecessary — unnecessarily /un nes euh sair euh lee, nes euh ser /, adv. unnecessariness, n. /un nes euh ser ee/, adj., n., pl. unnecessaries. adj. 1. not necessary or essential; needless; unessential. n. 2. unnecessaries, things that are not necessary or… … Universalium
needlessness — noun The state or characteristic of being needless. Syn: gratuitousness, unnecessariness … Wiktionary
gratuitousness — noun The state or characteristic of being gratuitous. [I]t is beyond question that there are a few subtle souled persons with whom the absolute gratuitousness of an act of reparation is an inducement to perform it; while exhortation as to its… … Wiktionary
duplication — Synonyms and related words: Janus, ambiguity, ambivalence, bedizenment, biformity, bifurcation, burlesque, clone, conjugation, copy, counterpart, dichotomy, ditto, double, doubleness, doublethink, doubling, dualism, duality, dummy, dupe,… … Moby Thesaurus
embellishment — Synonyms and related words: acciaccatura, adjunct, adornment, appoggiatura, arabesque, arrangement, beauties, beautification, bedizenment, cadence, cadenza, color, color patterns, coloratura, coloring, colors, colors of rhetoric, decor,… … Moby Thesaurus
expletive — Synonyms and related words: battology, bedizenment, blurt, curse, cuss, cuss word, de trop, dirty name, dirty word, dispensable, duplication, duplication of effort, dysphemism, ecphonesis, ejaculation, embellishment, epithet, excess, exclamation … Moby Thesaurus