- vagodepressor
- va·go·depressor
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
vagodepressor — [vā΄gō di pres′ər] adj. depressing the vagus nerve activity n. a vagodepressor drug … English World dictionary
vagodepressor — va·go·de·pres·sor .vā gō di pres ər adj depressing activity of the vagus nerve <a vagodepressor reaction> … Medical dictionary
vagodepressor — /vay goh di pres euhr/, Pharm. adj. 1. decreasing or mimicking the decrease of the activity of the vagus nerve. n. 2. any such substance. [VAGO + DEPRESSOR] * * * … Universalium
vagodepressor — |vāgə+ adjective Etymology: vag + depressor : depressing to the vagus nerve used chiefly of drugs or their action * * * /vay goh di pres euhr/, Pharm. adj. 1. decreasing or mimicking the decrease of the activity of the vagus nerve. n. 2. any such … Useful english dictionary