- valveless
- valve·less
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Valveless — war ein Hersteller von Automobilen aus Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, England, der zwischen 1908 und 1915 tätig war. Das erste Modell wurde nach Entwürfen von Ralph Lucas produziert. Später übernahm die David Brown Group den Betrieb … Deutsch Wikipedia
Valveless — The Valveless was an English automobile manufactured from 1908 until 1915 in Huddersfield, Yorkshire. The successor to the Ralph Lucas Valveless, the car marked the entry of the David Brown group into the manufacture of motors. Its engine was a… … Wikipedia
valveless — ˈ ̷ ̷lə̇s adjective : having no valves; specifically : having no separate valve a valveless engine … Useful english dictionary
Valveless pulse jet — A Valveless pulse jet (or pulsejet) is one of the simplest jet propulsion devices ever designed, and is the simplest form of jet engine that does not require forward motion to run continuously. Valveless pulsejets are low in cost, light weight,… … Wikipedia
valveless — adjective see valve … New Collegiate Dictionary
valveless — See valve. * * * … Universalium
valveless — adjective Having no valves … Wiktionary
valveless — Without valves; denoting certain veins, such as the portal, that are not provided with valves as are most of the veins … Medical dictionary
valveless — valve·less || vælvlɪs adj. having no valve … English contemporary dictionary
valve — valveless, adj. valvelike, adj. /valv/, n., v., valved, valving. n. 1. any device for halting or controlling the flow of a liquid, gas, or other material through a passage, pipe, inlet, outlet, etc. 2. a hinged lid or other movable part that… … Universalium