- vasoinhibitor
- vaso·inhibitor
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
vasoinhibitor — [vas΄ōin hib′it ər, vā′zōin hib′it ər] n. [ VASO + INHIBITOR] a drug or other agent inhibiting the action of the vasomotor nerves vasoinhibitory [vas΄ō in hib′ittôr΄ē, vā′zōin hib′ittôr΄ē] adj … English World dictionary
vasoinhibitor — vasoinhibitory /vas oh in hib i tawr ee, tohr ee, vay zoh /, adj. /vas oh in hib i teuhr, vay zoh /, n. Physiol., Pharm. an agent, as a drug, that inhibits the action of the vasomotor nerves. [VASO + INHIBITOR] * * * … Universalium
vasoinhibitor — An agent that restricts or prevents the functioning of the vasomotor nerves. * * * vaso·in·hib·i·tor (va″zo ) (vas″o in hibґĭ tər) an agent that inhibits the action of the vasomotor nerves … Medical dictionary
vasoinhibitor — /ˌveɪzoʊɪnˈhɪbətə/ (say .vayzohin hibuhtuh) noun an agent or drug that inhibits the action of the vasomotor nerves. –vasoinhibitory /ˌveɪzoʊɪnˈhɪbətri/ (say .vayzohin hibuhtree), / ˈhɪbətəri/ (say hibuhtuhree), adjective …
vasoinhibitor — … Useful english dictionary
vaso- — [vas′ō, vas′ə; vā′zō, vā′zə] [< L vas, vessel] combining form 1. the blood vessels [vasogenic] 2. the vas deferens [vasotomy] 3. vasomotor [vasoinhibitor]: Also, usually before a vowel, vas … English World dictionary
vas- — combining form or vasi or vaso Etymology: New Latin, from Latin vas 1. : duct … Useful english dictionary
vasoinhibitory — adjective see vasoinhibitor … Useful english dictionary