

English syllables. 2014.

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  • vestural — ˈveschərəl adjective : of or relating to vesture or clothing …   Useful english dictionary

  • vesture — vestural, adj. /ves cheuhr/, n., v., vestured, vesturing. n. 1. Law. a. everything growing on and covering the land, with the exception of trees. b. any such covering, as grass or wheat. 2. Archaic. a. clothing; garments. b. something that covers …   Universalium

  • The Life of John Sterling — was a biography of the Scottish author John Sterling (1806 1844), written by his friend, the Scottish essayist and historian, Thomas Carlyle. It was first published in 1851.John Sterling was a colleague and friend of Carlyle, but achieved far… …   Wikipedia

  • vesture — /ˈvɛstʃə/ (say veschuh) Archaic –noun 1. clothing; garments. 2. something that covers like a garment; a covering. –verb (t) (vestured, vesturing) 3. to clothe, as with vesture. {Middle English, from Old French, from vestir clothe, influenced by… …  

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