- voltammetry
- vol·tam·met·ry
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Voltammetry — is a category of electroanalytical methods used in analytical chemistry and various industrial processes. In voltammetry, information about an analyte is obtained by measuring the current as the potential is varied. Three electrode system… … Wikipedia
voltammetry — voltamperometrija statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Elektros srovės stiprio priklausomybės nuo įtampos nustatymo metodas. atitikmenys: angl. voltammetry vok. Voltammetrie, f rus. вольтамперометрия, f pranc. voltammétrie … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas
voltammetry — voltamperometrija statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Elektros srovės stiprio priklausomybės nuo įtampos nustatymo metodas. atitikmenys: angl. voltammetry rus. вольтамперометрия … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
voltammetry — noun Any of several electrochemical analytical technique in which a current is measured as a voltage is varied … Wiktionary
voltammetry — vol·tam·met·ry .vōl tam ə trē n, pl ries the detection of minute quantities of chemicals (as metals) by measuring the currents generated in electrolytic solutions when known voltages are applied vol·tam·met·ric .vōlt ə me trik adj … Medical dictionary
voltammetry — … Useful english dictionary
Cyclic voltammetry — Typical cyclic voltammogram where ipc and ipa show the peak cathodic and anodic current respectively for a reversible reaction. Cyclic voltammetry or CV is a type of potentiodynamic electrochemical measurement. In a cyclic voltammetry experiment… … Wikipedia
Differential pulse voltammetry — (AKA Differential Pulse Polarography or DPP) is often used to make electrochemical measurements. It can be considered as a derivative of linear sweep voltammetry or staircase voltammetry, with a series of regular voltage pulses superimposed on… … Wikipedia
Anodic stripping voltammetry — is a voltammetric method for quantitative determination of specific ionic species. The analyte of interest is electroplated on the working electrode during a deposition step, and oxidized from the electrode during the stripping step. The current… … Wikipedia
Squarewave voltammetry — is a further improvement of staircase voltammetry which is itself a derivative of linear sweep voltammetry. In linear sweep voltammetry the current at a working electrode is measured while the potential between the working electrode and a… … Wikipedia