- waistcoated
- waist·coat·ed
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
waistcoated — kə]d.ə̇d, kō], ]tə̇d adjective : having or wearing a waistcoat a waistcoated gentleman … Useful english dictionary
waistcoated — adjective see waistcoat … New Collegiate Dictionary
waistcoated — See waistcoat. * * * … Universalium
waistcoated — adjective Wearing a waistcoat … Wiktionary
waistcoat — waistcoated, adj. /wes keuht, wayst koht /, n. 1. Chiefly Brit. vest (def. 1). 2. an 18th century garment for women that is similar to a man s vest, usually worn with a riding habit. 3. a man s body garment, often quilted and embroidered and… … Universalium
waistcoat — noun Date: 1519 1. an ornamental garment worn under a doublet 2. chiefly British vest 2a • waistcoated adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
waistcoat — /ˈweɪstkoʊt / (say waystkoht) noun 1. a close fitting, sleeveless garment for men which reaches to the waist and buttons down the front, and is designed to be worn under a jacket. 2. a similar garment sometimes worn by women. 3. a body garment… …
waistcoat — [wes′kət, wāst′kōt΄] n. 1. Brit. a) VEST (n. 1a) b) a similar garment worn by women 2. a somewhat longer, heavily ornamented sleeveless jacket formerly worn under a doublet waistcoated adj … English World dictionary