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  • Wicket — Wick et, n. [OE. wiket, OF. wiket, guichet, F. quichet; probably of Scand. origin; cf. Icel. v?k a small creek, inlet, bay, vik a corner.] [1913 Webster] 1. A small gate or door, especially one forming part of, or placed near, a larger door or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Wicket — W. Warrick  Pour le terme relatif au cricket, voir Wicket (cricket). Wicket W. Warrick (dit simplement Wicket) est le nom d´un Ewok qui apparait dans le film Star Wars : épisode VI Le Retour du Jedi. Wicket est le premier Ewok que rencontre… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • wicket — ► NOUN 1) Cricket each of the sets of three stumps with two bails across the top at either end of the pitch, defended by a batsman. 2) a small door or gate, especially one beside or in a larger one. ● at the wicket Cf. ↑at the wicket ● a sticky… …   English terms dictionary

  • Wicket — puede referirse a: Apache Wicket, un framework Java para desarrollo de aplicaciones web. Wicket W. Warrick, un personaje ficticio de raza ewok en la saga cinematográfica la Guerra de las Galaxias. Esta página de desambiguación cataloga artículos… …   Wikipedia Español

  • wicket — early 13c., small door or gate, from Anglo Fr. wiket, from O.N.Fr. wiket (Fr. guichet) wicket, wicket gate, probably from P.Gmc. *wik (Cf. O.N. vik nook ) related to O.E. wican to give way, yield (see WEAK (Cf. weak)). The notion is of something… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Wicket — Warrick era un pequeño Ewok que luchó contra los Marauders para rescatar a su pueblo y a su amiga Cindel Towani. Años después ayudó a la princesa Leia Organa sirviendo de contacto entre su pueblo y la alianza rebelde. Una vez unidos los dos… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • wicket — [wikɛt] n. m. ÉTYM. 1864, in Petiot; 1796, comme mot anglais cité; mot angl., « guichet ». ❖ ♦ Sports. Au jeu de cricket, Ensemble des (2 ou 3) piquets réunis par une traverse horizontale et servant de but …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • wicket — [wik′it] n. [ME wiket < NormFr (for OFr guichet), dim. < MDu wijk, a curve < IE * weig > WEAK] 1. a small door or gate, esp. one set in or near a larger door or gate 2. a small window or opening, as for a bank teller or in a box… …   English World dictionary

  • Wicket — In der Sportart Cricket hat das Wort Wicket mehrere Bedeutungen: Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Bedeutungen des Begriffs Wicket 1.1 Das aus den Stumps bestehende Wicket 1.2 Ausscheiden des Schlagmanns …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Wicket — In the sport of cricket the word wicket has several distinct meanings:Meanings of wicketet of stumpsPrimarily, the wicket is one of the two sets of three stumps and two bails at either end of the pitch ( [http://www.lords.org/laws and spirit/laws …   Wikipedia

  • Wicket — Стиль этой статьи неэнциклопедичен или нарушает нормы русского языка. Статью следует исправить согласно стилистическим правилам Википедии …   Википедия

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