- wishoskan
- wish·osk·an
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
wishoskan — wə̇ˈshäskən noun ( s) Usage: usually capitalized : a language family of the Ritwan stock comprising only Wiyot … Useful english dictionary
Classification schemes for indigenous languages of the Americas — This article is a list of different language classification proposals developed for indigenous languages of the Americas. The article is divided into North, Central, and South America sections; however, the classifications do not always neatly… … Wikipedia
American Indians — American Indians † Catholic Encyclopedia ► American Indians GENERAL When Columbus landed on the island of San Salvador in 1492 he was welcomed by a brown skinned people whose physical appearance confirmed him in his opinion that… … Catholic encyclopedia
ritwan — ˈritwən noun (plural ritwan or ritwans) Usage: usually capitalized 1. : a language stock of northern California comprising Wiyot and Yurok and possibly related to Algonquian see weitspekan, wishoskan 2. a … Useful english dictionary