- blance
- as·sem·blance;re·sem·blance;sem·blance;
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
blance — Blance, espece de bled, Far clusinum … Thresor de la langue françoyse
Blance — This unusual surname is an example of the medieval habit of creating surnames from nicknames. In this instance the name Blance derives from the Old French word blanc , meaning white , itself from the Old High German blanc bright, shining and… … Surnames reference
Blance des marchandises — Balance commerciale Pour les articles homonymes, voir balance. Les dix principaux pays pour le commerce international La balance commerciale d’un pays est l’élément … Wikipédia en Français
dis|sem|blance — «dih SEHM bluhns», noun. 1. the act of dissembling; dissimulation. 2. Archaic. lack of resemblance; unlikeness; dissimilarity … Useful english dictionary
re|sem|blance — «rih ZEHM bluhns», noun. 1. likeness; similar appearance: »Twins often show great resemblance. There are certain resemblances between the two cases. 2. appearance: »under the resemblance of a mist. 3. a copy; image. ╂[< Anglo F … Useful english dictionary
sem|blance — «SEHM bluhns», noun. 1. a) outward appearance: »Their story had the semblance of truth, but was really false. b) an assumed or unreal appearance of something; mere show: »He was convicted without even the semblance of a trial. 2. a) a likeness;… … Useful english dictionary
vrai|sem|blance — «vreh sahn blahnS», noun. appearance of truth; likelihood; verisimilitude. ╂[< French vraisemblance < vrai true + semblance appearance] … Useful english dictionary
re·sem·blance — … Useful english dictionary
sem·blance — /ˈsɛmbləns/ noun [singular] : the state of being somewhat like something but not truly or fully the same thing usually + of They found it hard to maintain any semblance of control. [=to maintain any appearance of having control; to maintain any… … Useful english dictionary
sem — ar·sem; as·sem·blance; as·sem·ble; as·sem·blé; as·sem·bly·man; di·sem·a·tism; dis·sem·ble; dis·sem·bler; dis·sem·bling·ly; dis·sem·i·nate; dis·sem·i·na·tion; dis·sem·i·na·tor; dis·sem·i·nule; em·phy·sem·a·tous; geth·sem·a·ne; in·sem·i·nate;… … English syllables