- blit
- blit·ter;
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
bliţ — s.n. Sursă de lumină proprie, intensă şi de scurtă durată, cu care este prevăzut un aparat fotografic şi care se aprinde simultan cu deschiderea obturatorului. ♢ Bliţ secundar = bliţ comandat pe cale optică de lumina bliţului principal,… … Dicționar Român
Blit — can mean:* BLock Image Transfer from Bit blit ( Bit Block Transfer , BitBLT , blitting etc.) is a computer graphics operation in which two bitmap patterns are combined. Sometimes, this is done in hardware by means of a Blitter chip. * The Blit… … Wikipedia
Blit — steht für:: die Computeroperation Bit blit BLIT ist die Abkürzung für: den Brandenburger Linux Infotag, ein in Potsdam stattfindender Linuxtag … Deutsch Wikipedia
blit — /blit/ (computing) intransitive verb (blitt ing; blitt ed) to transfer a large array of bits between different locations in a computer s memory ORIGIN: From block transfer • • • blittˈer noun A chip or system that performs such transfers … Useful english dictionary
BLit — abbr. Latin Baccalaureus Litterarum (Bachelor of Literature). * * * … Universalium
blit — 1. noun A logical operation in which a block of data is rapidly moved or copied in memory, most commonly used to animate two dimensional graphics. 2. verb To transfer by a blit operation … Wiktionary
Blit (computer terminal) — In computing, the Blit was a programmable bitmap graphics terminal designed by Rob Pike and Bart Locanthi Jr. of Bell Labs in 1982. When initially switched on, the Blit looked like an ordinary textual terminal, although taller than usual: Similar … Wikipedia
BLIT (short story) — Infobox short story name = BLIT author = David Langford country = United Kingdom language = English genre = Science fiction published in = Interzone publication type = magazine publisher = media type = pub date = 1988 BLIT (which stands for… … Wikipedia
BLit — abbreviation see BLitt … New Collegiate Dictionary
bliţ — s. n., pl. blíţuri … Romanian orthography