- boldacious
- bol·da·cious
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
boldacious — adj fearsome, enormous, impressive, feisty. The word is now often used in black speech and by teenagers and has spread from American usage (where it origi nated) to the language of British teenagers. It appears to be a blend of bold and audacious … Contemporary slang
boldacious — (ˈ)bōl|dāshəs adjective Etymology: probably blend of bold and audacious dialect Britain : brazen, impudent … Useful english dictionary
Bodacious — remarkable; outstanding (from US slang, from British dialect boldacious , a blend of bold and audacious ) … Dictionary of Australian slang
bodacious — Australian Slang remarkable; outstanding (from US slang, from British dialect boldacious , a blend of bold and audacious ) … English dialects glossary
bodacious — [bəʊ deɪʃəs] adjective N. Amer. informal excellent, admirable, or attractive. Origin C19: perh. a var. of SW dialect boldacious, blend of bold and audacious … English new terms dictionary
bodacious — /boʊˈdeɪʃəs/ (say boh dayshuhs) adjective remarkable; outstanding. {US south and midland d., probably from British dialect (Devon and Cornwall) boldacious, bowlddacious brazen, bold, from blend of bold and audacious} …