- acetract
- ac·e·tract
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Acetract — An Acetract, in botanical medicine, is a vinegar extract of herbs … Wikipedia
acetract — ac·e·tract as ə .trakt n a powdered preparation made by extracting a vegetable drug with an alcoholic menstruum containing 5 to 10 percent acetic acid <acetract of nux vomica> * * * ac·e·tract (asґə trakt) [acetic acid + extract] an… … Medical dictionary
acetract — ˈasə.ˌtrakt noun ( s) Etymology: acet + extract : a powdered extract prepared by exhausting a vegetable drug with an alcoholic menstruum containing 5 to 10 percent of acetic acid acetract of nux vomica … Useful english dictionary
acetract — noun In botanical medicine, a vinegar extract of herbs … Wiktionary
acetract — n. powdered preparation made by totally extracting a vegetable drug mixed with an alcoholic menstruum that contains 5% to 10% acetic acid … English contemporary dictionary