- buddleia
- bud·dle·ia
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Buddleia — de David Buddleia de David … Wikipédia en Français
buddleia — [ bydleja ] n. m. • av. 1733; du nom du botaniste Buddle ♦ Arbuste (loganiacées), encore appelé lilas de Chine, arbre aux papillons, aux fleurs en longs panicules violets ou mauves, commun en terrain sec. Des buddleias. On écrirait mieux buddléia … Encyclopédie Universelle
buddleia — [bəd lē′ə, bud′lē ə] n. [ModL, after A. Buddle, 17th c. Eng botanist] any of a genus (Buddleia) of shrubs and trees of the logania family, native to the tropics but commonly grown in temperate regions for their blossoms of purple, yellow, etc … English World dictionary
Buddleia — L., Gattung der Loganiazeen, Bäume und Sträucher, seltener Kräuter, mit gegenständigen, einfachen Blättern, aus achsel oder endständigen Blütenköpfchen oder Cymen gebildeten Rispen und glocken , trichter oder präsentiertellerförmigen Blüten. Von… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Buddleia — Buddleĭa, trop. Pflanzengattg. aus der Familie der Skrofulariazeen, Bäume und Sträucher; mehrere schönblühende Arten Warm und Kalthauspflanzen … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
buddleia — ► NOUN ▪ a shrub with clusters of fragrant lilac, white, or yellow flowers. ORIGIN named after the English botanist Adam Buddle (died 1715) … English terms dictionary
buddleia — /bud lee euh, bud lee euh/, n. any shrub belonging to the genus Buddleia, of the logania family, having opposite, lance shaped leaves and clusters of flowers, comprising the butterfly bushes. [ < NL (Linnaeus), named after Adam Buddle (d. 1715),… … Universalium
buddleia — UK [ˈbʌdlɪə] / US noun [countable/uncountable] Word forms buddleia : singular buddleia plural buddleias a bush with purple or white flowers that is often grown in gardens, especially because it attracts butterflies … English dictionary
buddleia — noun Etymology: New Latin, genus name, from Adam Buddle died 1715 English botanist Date: 1791 any of a genus (Buddleia of the family Loganiaceae) of shrubs or small trees of warm regions with showy terminal clusters of usually purple or white… … New Collegiate Dictionary
buddleia — noun /ˈbʌdlɪə/ A tree or shrub of the genus Buddleja, especially Buddleja davidii, a large ornamental shrub whose lilac flowers attract butterflies. At the foot of the garden, behind a clump of gooseberry bushes, stood an arbour formed of a… … Wiktionary
Buddleia — Género con más de 100 especies de plantas, nativas de las áreas tropicales y subtropicales del mundo. El género se incluía antes en la familia Loganiaceae (orden Gentianales), pero ahora pertenece a la familia Buddlejaceae (orden Scrophulariales) … Enciclopedia Universal