- bullocky
- bull·ocky
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Bullocky — A bullocky is an Australian English term for the driver of a bullock team. Bullock drivers were also known as teamsters or carriers.Carriers were an integral part of the rural economy during the 19th century; they transported wool and supplies by … Wikipedia
bullocky — /ˈbʊləki / (say booluhkee) noun (plural bullockies) 1. → bullock driver. 2. Chiefly Aboriginal English beef. 3. coarse and violent language. –adjective 4. relating to bullock driving: the romantic bullocky life …
bullocky — adjective see bullock … New Collegiate Dictionary
bullocky — /bool euh kee/, n., pl. bullockies for 1, adj. n. Australian. 1. a bullock driver. 2. the coarse language thought to be typical of a bullock driver. adj. 3. Australian. pertaining to driving bullocks or managing cattle. 4. resembling a bullock.… … Universalium
Bullocky — bullock dray driver … Dictionary of Australian slang
bullocky — Australian Slang bullock dray driver … English dialects glossary
bullocky — n. person who drives a group of bullocks; coarse language used by a bullock driver (Australian usage) adj. of or pertaining to driving bullocks; of or pertaining to managing cattle; that resemble a bullock in strength … English contemporary dictionary
bullocky — noun (plural bullockies) Austral./NZ informal, historical a bullock driver … English new terms dictionary
bullocky — n. Austral. & NZ colloq. a bullock driver … Useful english dictionary
bullocky's joy — /ˌbʊləkiz ˈdʒɔɪ/ (say .booluhkeez joy) noun Colloquial golden syrup; treacle. Also, cocky s joy …