- cadalene
- cad·a·lene
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Cadalene — Chembox new ImageFile=Cadalene.png ImageSize=150px IUPACName=4 Isopropyl 1,6 dimethylnaphthalene OtherNames= Section1= Chembox Identifiers CASNo=483 78 3 PubChem=10225 SMILES=Cc2ccc(C(C)C)c1cc(C)ccc12 Section2= Chembox Properties Formula=C15H18… … Wikipedia
cadalene — ˈkadəlˌēn noun ( s) Etymology: cadinene + naphthalene : a colorless liquid hydrocarbon C15H18 obtained by dehydrogenating cadinene and other sesquiterpenes; 4 isopropyl 1, 6 dimethyl naphthalene … Useful english dictionary
isoprenoid — /uy seuh pree noyd/, adj. Chem. pertaining to, derived from, or similar to isoprene. [1955 60; ISOPRENE + OID] * * * or terpene Class of organic compounds made up of two or more structural units derived from isoprene. Isoprene is a five carbon… … Universalium
Retene — Chembox new ImageFile=Retene.png ImageSize=200px IUPACName=7 Isopropyl 1 methylphenanthrene OtherNames=Retene Section1= Chembox Identifiers CASNo=483 65 8 PubChem=10222 SMILES=Cc3cccc2c1ccc (C(C)C)cc1ccc23 Section2= Chembox Properties… … Wikipedia
Simonellite — Chembox new ImageFile = Simonellite.png ImageSize = 200px IUPACName = 1,1 Dimethyl 1,2,3,4 tetrahydro 7 isopropyl phenanthrene OtherNames = Section1 = Chembox Identifiers CASNo = 27530 79 6 PubChem = SMILES = CC(CCC3)(C)c2c3c1ccc(C(C)C)cc1cc2… … Wikipedia