

English syllables. 2014.

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  • Carpetless — Car pet*less, a. Without a carpet. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • carpetless — adjective Not carpeted …   Wiktionary

  • carpetless — pə̇tlə̇s adjective : being without a carpet …   Useful english dictionary

  • carpet — carpetless, adj. carpetlike, adj. /kahr pit/, n. 1. a heavy fabric, commonly of wool or nylon, for covering floors. 2. a covering of this material. 3. any relatively soft surface or covering like a carpet: They walked on the carpet of grass. 4.… …   Universalium

  • Carpet sweeper — A carpet sweeper is a mechanical device for the cleaning of carpets in place. They were popular before the vacuum cleaner and have been largely superseded by them.However, some restaurant chains continue to use them (e.g. Perkins) as they are… …   Wikipedia

  • Eugenia Errázuriz — Eugenia Huici Arguedas de Errázuriz (15 September, 1860 1951) was a Chilean patron of modernism and a style leader of Paris from 1880 into the 20th century, who paved the way for the modernist minimalist aesthetic that would be taken up in… …   Wikipedia

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