- cathedraticum
- cath·e·drat·i·cum
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Cathedraticum — • A certain sum of money to be contributed annually for the support of the bishop, as a mark of honour and in sign of subjection to the cathedral church, hence its name Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Cathedraticum Cath … Catholic encyclopedia
Cathedraticum — (a Latin word from cathedra , episcopal seat or throne) is a specified sum of money to be contributed annually for the support of the bishop, as a mark of honour and in sign of subjection to the cathedral church, hence its name. HistoryIn the… … Wikipedia
Cathedratĭcum — Cathedratĭcum, 1) die 572 auf der Synode zu Braga verbotene Abgabe eines neuordinirten Priesters, Bischofs, Erzbischofs etc. an seinen unmittelbaren Oberen, die sich unter dem Namen Pastellum wieder eingeschlichen hatte; 2) die jährliche Abgabe… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
cathedraticum — … Useful english dictionary
Cathedral — • The chief church of a diocese Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Cathedral Cathedral † … Catholic encyclopedia
Diocese — • The territory or churches subject to the jurisdiction of a bishop Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Diocese Diocese † … Catholic encyclopedia
CATHEDRA — I. CATHEDRA in vet. Regesto A. C. 1346. 14. Iulii fiebant Cathedrae ponderis aurei 52. marcha auri empta 50. Cathedr. 6. Nov. 1346. Cathedrae, ut supra marca empta 48. Cathedr. 7. April. 1347. post Pascha: marca empta 50. Cathedr. auri, apud Car … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Stolgebühren — (Jura stolae [genannt nach der Kleidung, in welcher die Geistlichen ihr Amt verrichten, s. Stola 2)], Jura parochialia), alle die Einkünfte der Geistlichen, welche für geistliche Amtshandlungen entrichtet werden. Dahin gehören die Gebühren für… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Synodatĭcum — Synodatĭcum, so v.w. Cathedraticum 2) … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Circada — Circada, eine Art der Bischofssteuer, s. u. Cathedraticum 2) … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon