- cecectomy
- ce·cec·to·my
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
cecectomy — Excision of the cecum. SYN: typhlectomy. [ceco + G. ektome, excision] * * * ce·cec·to·my or chiefly Brit cae·cec·to·my sē sek tə mē n, pl mies surgical excision of all or part of the cecum * * * ce·cec·to·my (se sekґtə me) [ceco + ectomy]… … Medical dictionary
cecectomy — mē noun ( es) Etymology: cec + ectomy : excision of all or part of the cecum … Useful english dictionary
typhlectomy — SYN: cecectomy. * * * typh·lec·to·my (tif lekґtə me) cecectomy … Medical dictionary
Caduceus — A rod with two snakes entwined about it topped by a pair of wings. The caduceus served as the symbol of Hermes and Mercury, the Greek and Roman messenger gods. The caduceus was the sign of a herald and hence a logical symbol for the messenger.… … Medical dictionary
cec- — combining form or ceci or ceco or caec or caeci or caeco Etymology … Useful english dictionary