- cellulosic
- cel·lu·los·ic
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
cellulosic — [sel΄yo͞o lō′sik] adj. of or made from cellulose n. a product or material made from cellulose … English World dictionary
cellulosic — cel·lu·los·ic .sel yə lō sik, zik adj of, relating to, or made from cellulose <cellulosic fibers> cellulosic n a substance made from cellulose or a derivative of cellulose … Medical dictionary
cellulosic — adjective Date: 1881 of, relating to, or made from cellulose • cellulosic noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
cellulosic — /sel yeuh loh sik/ adj. 1. of, containing, or derived from cellulose. n. 2. any cellulosic compound or substance. [1880 85; CELLULOSE + IC] * * * … Universalium
cellulosic — cellulose ► NOUN 1) an insoluble substance derived from glucose, forming the main constituent of plant cell walls and of vegetable fibres such as cotton. 2) paint or lacquer consisting principally of cellulose acetate or nitrate in solution.… … English terms dictionary
Cellulosic ethanol — also know by the name Ceetol, is a biofuel produced from wood, grasses, or the non edible parts of plants. [ One Hundred Tenth Congress of the United States of America. [http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=110 cong… … Wikipedia
Cellulosic ethanol commercialization — can contribute to a successful renewable fuels future. Companies such as Iogen, Broin, and Abengoa are all building refineries that can process biomass and turn it into ethanol, while companies such as Diversa, Novozymes, and Dyadic are producing … Wikipedia
Cellulosic ethanol in the United States — President George W. Bush, in his State of the Union address delivered January 31, 2006, proposed to expand the use of cellulosic ethanol. In his State of the Union Address on January 23, 2007, President Bush announced a proposed mandate for 35… … Wikipedia
cellulosic packing film — celofanas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Iš viskozės gaunama hidratceliuliozinė plėvelė. atitikmenys: angl. cellophane; cellulosic packing film rus. целлофан … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
cellulosic — adjective Of, pertaining to, or derived from cellulose … Wiktionary
cellulosic — adj. of or containing cellulose … English contemporary dictionary