- cetane
- ce·tane
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
cétane — [ setan ] n. m. • 1900; de cét(ène), du lat. cetus, gr. kêtos « baleine », et suff. chim. ♦ Chim. Hydrocarbure saturé C16H34, constituant du pétrole. Indice de cétane du gazole (aptitude à l allumage). ● cétane nom masculin Hydrocarbure saturé… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Cetane — Cétane Cétane Représentations de l hexadécane … Wikipédia en Français
Cétane — Représentations de l hexadécane Général … Wikipédia en Français
cetane — [sē′tān΄] n. [< L cetus (see CETACEAN) + ANE] a colorless, liquid alkane, C16H34, found in petroleum and, sometimes, in vegetable matter, and used to test fuel oils … English World dictionary
cetane — n. an oil found in petroleum. ♦ cetane number, number representing ignition value of diesel oil, being the percentage of cetane in a mixture used for testing by comparison … Dictionary of difficult words
cetane — /see tayn/, n. a colorless, liquid hydrocarbon of the alkane series, C16H34, used as a solvent and in cetane number determinations. [1930 35; CET(YL) + ANE] * * * … Universalium
cetane — A pure paraffin hydrocarbon used as standard reference fuel in determining the ignition qualities of diesel fuels. It is arbitrarily given a cetane number of 100 … Petroleum refining glossary
cetane — heksadekanas statusas T sritis chemija formulė H(CH₂)₁₆H atitikmenys: angl. cetane; hexadecane rus. гексадекан; цетан ryšiai: sinonimas – cetanas … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
cetane — n. Chem. a colourless liquid hydrocarbon of the alkane series used in standardizing ratings of diesel fuel. Phrases and idioms: cetane number a measure of the ignition properties of diesel fuel. Etymology: f. SPERMACETI after methane etc … Useful english dictionary
Cetane number — or CN is a measurement of the combustion quality of diesel fuel during compression ignition. It is a significant expression of diesel fuel quality among a number of other measurements that determine overall diesel fuel quality. Contents 1… … Wikipedia
Cetane index — is used as a substitute for the cetane number of diesel fuel. The cetane index is calculated based on the fuel s density and distillation range (ASTM D86). There are two methods used, ASTM D976 and D4737. The older D976, or two variable equation… … Wikipedia