- chaf
- chaf·finch;chaf·ing;
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
chaf|er — chaf|er1 «CHAY fuhr», noun. any of a group of beetles including the June bugs and scarabs, that usually feed on plants. ╂[Old English ceafor] chaf|er2 «CHAY fuhr», noun. Obsolete. 1. a small portable furnace. 2. a chafing dish. ╂[< French… … Useful english dictionary
chaf — obs. form of chaff n.1 … Useful english dictionary
Chaf and Chamkhaleh — چاف و چمخاله city … Wikipedia
chaf´fer|er — chaf|fer1 «CHAF uhr», noun, verb. –n. a disputing about a price; bargaining. –v.i. 1. to dispute about terms or price; bargain. 2. Figurative. to deal; discuss terms; bandy or exchange words. –v.t. 1. to buy and sell; traffic in; exchange; barter … Useful english dictionary
chaf|finch — «CHAF ihnch», noun. a European songbird with a pleasant, short song, often kept as a cage bird. The chaffinch has bright, barred wings. ╂[Old English ceaf finc < ceaf chaff1 + finc finch] … Useful english dictionary
chaf|ing dish — «CHAY fihng», 1. a pan with a heater under it, used to cook food at the table or to keep it warm. It usually consists of two pans in a frame over a small alcohol lamp or the like. The upper pan is covered and fits into the lower, in which hot… … Useful english dictionary
CHAF — central hyperalimentation nutrition … Medical dictionary
CHAF — • central hyperalimentation nutrition … Dictionary of medical acronyms & abbreviations
chaf·finch — /ˈʧæˌfınʧ/ noun, pl finches [count] : a small European bird … Useful english dictionary
chaf·ing dish — /ˈʧeıfıŋ / noun, pl ⋯ dishes [count] : a dish that is used for cooking or warming food at the table … Useful english dictionary